Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls 8th Basketball vs. Kearsley HS School
5.0 months ago @ 7:18AM
- Game Date
- Sep 30, 2024
- Score
- TIGERSFenton Senior High School: 40.00
The 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball Team beat Kearsley last night, 40-21. Chandler Patton led the scoring with 8 points and 6 steals. Audrey Wolfgram scored 6 points and had 8 rebounds. Monroe LaFontaine and Leah Mutiso each scored 6 points and had 5 rebounds. Paisley Will had 2 points and 11 rebounds. Ava Dimich had 2 points and 6 rebounds. Lindsey Larner, Zoey Baran, Jada Conrady, and Stella Rice also scored for the Tigers.