Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls 7th grade Basketball vs. Grand Blanc West Middle School
2.0 years ago @ 8:52AM
- Game Date
- Sep 26, 2022
- Score
- TIGERSFenton Senior High School: 48
AGS Fenton 48, Grand Blanc West 5
The Tigers took on the Bobcats yesterday, coming away victorious 48-5. Leading the Tigers was Charlei Peabody with 11 points and 4 rebounds. Mariana Williams scored 8 points and had 6 rebounds. Alexis Mays scored 8 points. Alejandra Ayotte scored 7 points and had 4 steals. Olivia Gurnsey scored 6 points and had 4 steals. Nyla Linton had 7 rebounds and scored 2 points. Claire Sturgis, Austin Brown, and Kayleigh Chapman also scored for the Tigers.
The Tigers travel to Brandon tomorrow.