Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Troy Athens HS School
3.0 years ago @ 9:21PM
- Game Date
- Dec 28, 2021
- Score
- TIGERSFenton Senior High School: 68
At the Holiday Extravaganza hosted by North Farmington, the Fenton Tigers defeated the Colts of Troy 68-58 in a tightly contested game. Fenton led 32-30 at the half, but Troy took a 42-34 lead midway through the third quarter only to see the Tigers get hot from the three point line and make seven triple over the last quarter and a half in route to the victory. Seth Logan led Fenton with 26 with Connor Luck adding 11 and Ja'Hion Bond netting 10. The Tigers improve to 2-1 on the season