Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Davison HS School
2.0 years ago @ 8:48AM
- Game Date
- Dec 7, 2022
- Score
- TIGERSFenton Senior High School: 53
Fenton 53 Davison 38
The Tigers withstood a hard charge from Davison to come away with a win on Wednesday, 53-38. Leading Fenton was Maddie Slezinski with 13 points and 16 rebounds. Abby Logan scored 12 points and dished out 3 assists. Adrie Staib contributed 11 points and 5 rebounds. Grace MacCaughan scored 8 points. Keegan Weddle scored 7 points. Lauren Gadola also scored for the Tigers.
Fenton travels to Flushing Friday for a key Metro Stripes Division matchup.