Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Kearsley HS School
3.0 years ago @ 12:46PM
- Game Date
- Apr 28, 2021
- Score
- TIGERSFenton Senior High School: 4
Homecoming came late this year but the Girls Soccer team hosted a wonderful spring event and topped it off with a 4-0 victory over Kearsley. Goals were scored by Eva Berkey, Mallory Lehman, Rylan Sheffield and Meghan Sterling. Assists were given to Evalyn Starasinich, Andrea Elsholz and 2 for Korryn Smith. The shutout was shared by Makenzie Trosen, Lilah Graham, Lauren Hayden, and Kiersten Hyder. The Tigers travel to Holly on Thursday for a crosstown darby at 6:00 pm.