Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Corunna HS School
3.0 years ago @ 8:43PM
- Game Date
- Apr 22, 2021
- Score
- TIGERSFenton Senior High School: 8
Evalyn Starasinich had 3 goals and 2 assists to lead Fenton past Corunna 8-0. Other goal scorers include 2 from Avery Carr, and 1 each from Mallory Lehman, Mackenzie Trosen, and Lydia Anderson. Those Tigers getting assists include 3 from Rylan Sheffield, 2 from Evalyn Starasinich and Avery Carr, and 1 from Julia Koscienliak. Fenton's shutout was shared by Mackenzie Trosen, Jillian McVey, Kiersten Hyder and Lilah Graham.