
FHS Athletic Department Summer 2021 Reminders
FHS Athletic Department Summer 2021 Reminders
Updated on 06/14/2024

Welcome to Summer Everyone!


Here are a few important reminders for FHS Student Athletes:

1. Update Final Forms - Be sure to log into your 2021-22 Final Forms profile and update/sign all forms and select sports you may be interested in participating in next school year.  Better to select them now and delete later, so you get updates as they are sent out via coaches.  The website for Final Forms is


2. PHYSICALS - everyone must have a new physical no later than their first official day of tryouts.   A valid physical for 2021-22 must be dated on or after April 15, 2021.  Physicals can be uploaded to Final Forms or dropped off at the Athletic Office.  Please don't wait until August 9th to turn them in. Link to MHSAA Physical Form


3.  Participation Fees for 2021-22 will be $230 for the entire year.  Please wait to pay until after July 1.  Payments are not required for tryouts.  Forms of payment that are acceptable are: cash, check, EBT or credit card.  For EBT or credit card, you may use our new E-funds platform at

You will need to know your student's, student ID number to create an account.


4. Summer Activities - Many programs are holding summer activities during June and July.  Check in with those coaches or look on the website at  Contact information for Varsity coaches is available in Mrs. Lemke's Weekly Update # 39, being sent out on June 11th.


5. Academic Eligibility - Grades are finalized and posted to studentvue/parentvue.  Hard copies of report cards should arrive at your home next week.  Students must pass 5 out of 7 classes from the second semester to be eligible to participate in the fall (incoming 9th graders are excluded). If you need to take summer school, look for information with your report card mailer or on Weekly Update #39 from Mrs. Lemke.


6. COVID Information - We are no longer doing covid screens at summer workouts, but if you don't feel well, please stay home until you are better and/or are checked by your doctor.  Masks are not required for outdoor activity, but they are required for everyone participating in an indoor activity until further notice.


7.  Summer Dead Period - There is to be no contact or activity with coaches during the Summer Dead Period from July 2 - 8, 2021.  Enjoy a much needed break for everyone.


8. Fall Start Date - All FHS Fall Sports will officially start on August 9th.  Tryout information to follow.  Fall Sports include: Cross Country, Football, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Girls Swim/Dive, Boys Tennis, and Girls Volleyball

For Sideline Cheer Information, please contact Coach Martinez at


9. Athletic Department Hours:

June 14 - 17 - 7:00 am - 4:00 pm

June 18 - July 11 - Closed

July 12 - August 8 - TBD


Enjoy your summer! 


Yours in Educational Athletics
Mike Bakker, CMAA
District Athletic Director


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