
Athletic Department Update - August 18, 2020
Athletic Department Update - August 18, 2020
Updated on 06/14/2024

Fenton Athletic Families, 


(Sorry for the length of this update) I write to update you today on what we know at this point with fall sports.  Our FHS fall sports practices began back on August 10th and 12th, and we are putting the finishing touches on plans to start AGS Sports on August 24th.   Below are some of the topics that have been most frequently asked about by our athletic community.


Are Fall Sports Postponed/Canceled

As many have heard last Friday, August 14th, the MHSAA, in consultation with information from member schools, state government leaders, and health professionals, made the very difficult decision to postpone Football until the Spring of 2021.  This was very difficult news for all of us, especially our football families, in addition to the members of the Sideline Cheer families and Marching Band Families who have been directly impacted.  This announcement also impacts our AGS Football and Sideline Cheer teams.  We know that the MHSAA staff is working hard to develop a plan that would allow the season to pick up in the spring.  One of the many conversations that will take place is how to align football with the remaining seasons in order to have the least impact on other sport seasons that out student athletes may participate in.  More information on this will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead. 


No other sports have been postponed for the Fall at this time and based on communication that we have received we do not anticipate that happening.   However we are awaiting communication on when we can move indoors with FHS Girls Swim/Dive, FHS Volleyball, and AGS Girls Basketball, but also awaiting an announcement as to when competition can start for these three sports, along with Boys Soccer.  The MHSAA will announce competition dates no later than August 20th and the Governor’s Office will need to provide guidance on the opening of indoor facilities.  


Spectators/Live Streaming

Based on current Executive Orders and guidance from the MHSAA, we have many questions regarding spectator limitations and whether or not participants are to be included in our numbers for outdoor (and indoor) gatherings.  For this reason and until we have further guidance, we will be conducting all events without spectators.  We understand that this is difficult and that you want to support your children, but in order to provide the best opportunity to have a season, we must make this decision at this time.  The only people allowed into games will be our student-athletes, coaches, game management staff, and potentially photography and videography staff to chronicle the contests.  We are also awaiting further guidance from the MHSAA on the availability of either live streaming and/or tape delay streaming of athletic contests.   


We do have the ability to live stream events in the FHS Main Gym and are working to install the same capabilities at the Ivan Williams Field.  We appreciate your understanding with this and will provide further information as it becomes available. 


Schedules/Participation Fees

Athletic Schedules are all available on our website at  We encourage you to check this page regularly for updates as these events are commonly changing on a weekly basis.  


In earlier communications, the Athletic Department asked families to hold off on paying the participation fee until after we had more information about seasons.  With numerous seasons starting this week with contests, we ask that you pay your participation fee for FHS fall teams of $230 starting next week (August 24th); AGS teams should wait at this time.  

In order to pay your fee you have the following options:

  • Use a credit card and pay through your Final Forms Account (sorry, Send Money to Schools is no longer an option).  There is a transaction fee that is charged by the provider that FAPS has no control over.  We are not able to receive partial payments via this credit card provider.

  • Pay with a check (made out to: FAPS) or Cash at FHS.  The current office hours are Mon - Thurs from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm

  • If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, or you would like to set up a payment plan, please contact Mrs. Dailey at or 810-591-2608

If you are a football player or a sideline cheerleader and already paid your participation fee, we are anticipating the season to still take place in the spring and therefore will not be cutting refund checks at this time.  If you have specific questions or concerns regarding this, please contact Mike Bakker at



The one thing that we have learned about this entire situation since March 11, 2020 is that we are in a very fluid situation and that the information we have one moment can quickly change and that we must adapt.  Additionally, we are typically learning of the news releases and the information they contain at the same time as the general public, so it does take us time to process the information.  When information comes to us, we have to make sure we understand how it coordinates with the Governor’s Executive Orders, MHSAA Rules, County Health Department Rules, and FAPS policies.  We strive for the safety of all of our students, coaches, and staff and will continue to do everything we can to provide quality opportunities for all. As more information and guidance becomes available, we will share it with all of you.  In the meantime, if you would like to look at some of guidance provided to us from the MHSAA on sport regulations, please visit the sport pages on the MHSAA website at


Thank you for your continued support and patience during these times.  


Yours in Educational Athletics,

Mike Bakker, CMAA

Director of Athletics


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